Saturday, May 2, 2009

Numbers and Web Server Monitoring

When I sit down to investigate the efficacy of my web server monitoring, I would like to confirm I understand the fundamentals. Before I even judge how my monitoring service is performing, I need to judge how web server monitoring works overall. It is important to me to make sure that I understand some of the technical basics; in truth, that understanding makes me a better businessperson, even if I don't really have the same technical background as the people that provide my monitoring services.

Even if I did, though, it's sweet to be able to take some shortcuts when it comes to learning about exactly what I should be expecting about my server performance. As it stands, though, I am a businessperson-most folk who look at getting some sort of web server monitoring are, whether tiny or large-and whilst I understand the technical aspects of my business, the technical facets of my business hardware infrequently escape me. Obviously, that's where the executives come in-that's where I start outsourcing-but less obviously, I am able to reassure myself about the smart investment I am making in having my web servers monitored. It isn't just me who can be reassured, though; I can share this with you.

Here's how I do it: straightforward maths. Web servers often perform without interruption (and if they don't, that's when I call in the guaranty and call up the company-and things can get hideous, which is why the people who build the hardware and write the software generally do a very good job ), so I do not need to stress about my servers being down for some terrible period of time. I haven't got to fret about 50 % performance. I haven't got to fret about seventy-five percent performance. I do not even actually have to fret about 90 p.c performance-what I have to fret about is those times when, for who knows what reason, the server goes down just for a jiffy or even a few seconds. goes down at a crucial time during a crucial transaction, it could be offline only for some seconds each week, but the impact of those few seconds can be enormous. That is the reason why I need web server monitoring.

That's over a complete week that my server is out of commission-an entire week that I am losing cash on transactions, I am losing efficacy on my advertising, and I am losing presence on the internet. In the bleeding edge world we reside in, I can't afford to have my web servers down for that long. What if that week coincides directly with the holiday season-and what if I am selling poinsettias online? You can see why it's important for me to know about numbers when it comes to my web server monitoring.

The great thing about web servers, though-and thus web server monitoring-is that ninety-eight percent performance is abysmally low. Usually, we are speaking around ninety-nine percent or higher. At ninety-nine percent, my servers are down only about three and a half days; at ninety-nine point 9 %, it's nearer to only a third of the day. Even so, knowing those numbers makes me realize that this monitoring is important to my business-and that is the reason why I'm investing in it, to keep sales up, traffic coming, presence building, and advertising strong.

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